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Creating a Kubernetes Monitor with BlinkSticks

Over the last six months, I've been doing a lot of exploring and learning about Kubernetes. When I was diving into ServiceAccounts and ClusterRoles/ClusterRoleBindings, I wanted to develop a little app that would give me some hands-on experience. Conveniently, I had just bought 4 BlinkStick Nanos! So, why not make something fun with them?! Here's the final product…

Pretty cool, huh? Well, here's how it's working!

Building the App

So how was it working? Basically, it's doing the following (which we'll break down)…

  • Watch for Kubernetes events to hear pod events
  • When an event comes in, determine what colors should be displayed
  • Display the color!

We'll then talk about how to deploy it, as there were some special things I had to do.

Listening to Kubernetes events

In order to listen to Kubernetes events, you will need a ServiceAccount that authorizes the app to query and listen to pod events (more on that later). With that in place though, you can use the Kubernetes Python client library to listen and respond to events.

Before you can do anything, you have to configure the client. It has support to auto-configure when running in a cluster. But, I also wanted to support the ability to run locally and use my local kube config file. If you're running in a cluster, the KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST environment variable is set. So, I use that to detect if I'm in a cluster!

Once the client is configured, you can use the client and watch objects to query for pods in a namespace and watch for events. In this example, I am only watching for pods in the "default" namespace.

from kubernetes import client, config, watch

# Configure the client to use in-cluster config or my local kube config file
if (os.getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST") is not None):

# Create the client and stream
v1Client = client.CoreV1Api()
w = watch.Watch()

# This for loop will run forever and be triggered on every event
for event in, namespace = "default"):
    updatedPod = event["object"]

    # Do something with the event

Filtering events by host

When listening to pod events, you are getting all events in the namespace. But, seeing we're trying to update the light for a specific node, we need to filter the events for the node we're running on. But, how do we do that?

The easiest way to do this would be to introduce an environment variable to provide the hostname and then filter the events based on that value.

if (os.getenv("NODE_HOSTNAME") is None):
    sys.exit("NODE_HOSTNAME is not defined")
hostName = os.getenv("NODE_HOSTNAME")


for event in, namespace = "default"):
    updatedPod = event["object"]

    if updatedPod.spec.node_name != hostName:

We'll talk about how the environment variable is being set later.

Keeping track of the pod state

This is the part of code that I'm least proud of! I'm definitely not a Python developer! Haha… to keep track of pod states, I am keeping track of four lists. As events come in, I then figure out where the updated pod should end up. Then, update the colors reflecting the current lists.

pendingPods = []
runningPods = []
failedPods = []
deletingPods = []

for event in, namespace = "default"):
    updatedPod = event["object"]

    if updatedPod.spec.node_name != hostName:

    podId =

    if podId in pendingPods: pendingPods.remove(podId)
    if podId in failedPods: failedPods.remove(podId)
    if podId in runningPods: runningPods.remove(podId)
    if podId in deletingPods: deletingPods.remove(podId)

    # If the event is a delete event, ignore it
    if event["type"] == "DELETED":
        if pod.metadata.deletion_timestamp is not None:
        elif pod.status.phase == "Pending":
            if (pod.status.container_statuses is not None and 
                    pod.status.container_statuses[0].state is not None and 
                    pod.status.container_statuses[0].state.waiting is not None and 
                    pod.status.container_statuses[0].state.waiting.message is not None):
        elif pod.status.phase == "Running":

The BlinkStick Client

The cool thing about the BlinkSticks are the supported client libraries! There are libraries for Python, Node.js, Ruby, C#, and VB.Net. I started with the Node.js, but after running into a small bug or two, switched over to the Python library. It ended up working so much better!

Here's how to use the Python client to find the stick and light it up with a green color.

from blinkstick import blinkstick

light = blinkstick.find_first():
light.morph(red = 0, green = 40, blue = 0)

To distinguish between top and bottom lights, you can use the index parameter.

# Set the top light to green
light.morph(red = 0, green = 40, blue = 0, index = 0)

# Set the bottom light to red
light.morph(red = 40, green = 0, blue = 0, index = 1)

Now that we've got that out of the way and see how the library is to be used, how should we use it here? I've defined an updateLights function that will be invoked at the end of every time we get an event.

# Define a few colors
black  = { "red" : 0,  "green" : 0,  "blue" : 0  }
red    = { "red" : 50, "green" : 0,  "blue" : 0  }
blue   = { "red" : 0,  "green" : 0,  "blue" : 50 }
green  = { "red" : 0,  "green" : 25, "blue" : 0  }
yellow = { "red" : 50, "green" : 50, "blue" : 0  }

def updateLights():
    color = black

    if len(failedPods) > 0:
        color = red
    elif len(deletingPods) > 0:
        color = blue
    elif len(pendingPods):
        color = yellow
    elif len(runningPods) > 0:
        color = green

    light.morph(red = color['red'], green = color['green'], blue = color['blue'], index = 0)
    light.morph(red = color['red'], green = color['green'], blue = color['blue'], index = 1)

Building and Deploying

There are a few things in order to deploy the application to the Raspberry Pi cluster.

Building an ARM image

Leveraging the Docker buildx plugin, we can easily build an image for multiple architectures. In this case, we're going to target both amd64 and the arm/v7 architectures.

docker buildx build \
    --tag mikesir87/k8s-blinkstick-node-monitor \
    --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm/v7 .

Deploying the application

In order to use the Kubernetes client within the application, we need to define a ServiceAccount with a proper ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding. We're also going to define a namespace to run the application in.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: monitor
kind: ClusterRole
  name: monitor-access
  - apiGroups: [""]
      - events
      - pods
      - nodes
    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: pod-monitor
  namespace: monitor
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: monitor-access
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: monitor-access
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: pod-monitor
  namespace: monitor

Now we just need to define the application itself! There are a couple of things we need to define though…

  • Since we have a BlinkStick on every node, we'll deploy the app as a DaemonSet
  • We need to define the NODE_HOSTNAME environment variable. We can use a fieldRef to dynamically give it the hostname on which the pod is scheduled
  • We need to run in privileged mode and mount /dev in order to gain access to the USB devices (if anyone knows of a better way, let me know!)

And here's the YAML!

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: pi-monitor
  namespace: monitor
    app: k8s-light-monitor
      app: k8s-light-monitor
        app: k8s-light-monitor
      serviceAccountName: pod-monitor
      - name: light-monitor
        image: mikesir87/k8s-blinkstick-node-monitor
          privileged: true
        - name: dev
          mountPath: /dev
        - name: NODE_HOSTNAME
              fieldPath: spec.nodeName
      - name: dev
          path: /dev

And with that, we should have a running monitor! We can deploy apps to the default namespace and should be able to see the lights go!


I hope you enjoyed it! Am I going to run this app forever in production? Probably not. But, it was a fun experiment to try and learn how to connect to the Kubernetes API from inside of a container and reflect the current status of the cluster. I've even deployed applications that randomly fail and I can see the removal and restart of the pod just by looking at the lights!

Oh… and if you want to check out the full source code, you can go to the GitHub repo here!